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Inside Business

Corporate Members

Hong Kong-based international, regional and local service providers predominantly providing fund administration’s core and related value-added services to asset owners, asset manager, advisors, distributor of traditional, hedge and private equities funds and related entities in the wealth and asset management industry.


If your firm is interested in joining us, please download the application form and send the filled form to us. Our Membership Sub-Committee will be convened to conduct due diligence on the applicant. Once the application is approved, acceptance letter with membership fee invoice will then be sent to applicant.

Corporate Associate Members 

Hong Kong-based professional service providers providing financial, taxation, technical, legal, and other related services traditional, hedge and private equities funds and related entities in the wealth and asset management industry.


If your firm is interested in joining us, please download the application form and send the filled form to us. Our Membership Sub-Committee will be convened to conduct due diligence on the applicant. Once the application is approved, acceptance letter with membership fee invoice will then be sent to applicant.  

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